A Chilean Odyssey

This series was produced as a follow up to my previous collaboration with Scor, A Canadian Odyssey. After such a successful first season, Scor wanted to capitalize on the unique positioning as a serious enduro brand with a less serious attitude. The production of A Chilean Odyssey required managing foreign travel for a crew of 9, scripting three episodes, managing locations and even a bout of Covid amongst the crew. It was a challenge, and a great experience.

Some odysseys span distances untold, fathoms into the sea or Everesting into the sky. This one, however, will take you on a tour of Chile’s fiery Andean volcanos with the intrepid crew, as they venture into an unknown paradise of single track and freeriding.

Cinematography by David Peacock, Liam Mullany, Andre Nutini

Photography by Bruno Long

Graphics by Zach Rampen

Edited by David Peacock

Post Production Sound by Keith White Audio

Colour Correction by Sam Gilling